Repetitive call

Hi, can anyone help me identify what bird is making this call?

I have never seen this bird! It makes a long beeep sound, which it can repeat for hours! I first noticed late last summer, it went silent in the winter, and has just started again this week. So far it has only called for short spells of up to 10 mins.

I live.  in a small village on the edge of farmland My garden is well stocked with trees and bushes and is adjacent a large graveyard. i know we have sparrows, long tailed tits, robins, a wren, chiffchaffs, yellowhammers, chaffinch, coal tit, pigeons and greenfinches. (haven't seen blue tit in 20 years!)

A friend said it might be a Northern Bullfinch, but I haven't been able to find a recording of its song.

I know it's not much to go on, but whatever it is it is persistent.


  • Unknown said:

    A friend said it might be a Northern Bullfinch, but I haven't been able to find a recording of its song.

    Go onto RSPB home page,into birds and wildlife and then under birds by name "b" there is a recording of Bullfinch,try there.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Hi, 

    Nope that's not it! Thank you for the info though, I have now been through all the 'usual suspects' trying to identify this bird but nothing comes close. It is a really simple call, no warbles or tweets or cheeps....just this continuous repeat....about 5 secs interval.

    I'll have to try and get a recording.

    Thanks again



  • B,  You don't say what time of day this happens.   I hesitate to say this but could it be an owl.  Scops Owl springs to mind but if it was that it would be a national rarity.

  • I could be a greenfinch - you have them on your list.

    I heard a repetitive "beep" call the other day - it was a greenfinch sitting on top of a conifer in next door's garden.



    Seriously thinking about trying harder!

  • Hi, at the moment it is calling early am and late afternoon. 


  • Oh I wish it was a Scops Owl.... having listened on You Tube to a few it has similar duration of call but 'my' bird has a much higher pitch. We do have Tawny Owl's in the churchyard though... they will occasionally perch on a pinnacle in the early hours of the morning.

    Thanks for the suggestion though. I'm just going to have to be patient and spend more hours with my binoculars in the bushes!

  • Hi B Reid

    I would try listening to Blue Tit, Great Tit and Coal Tit as they all have repetitive 'peep' calls in my garden.

    Best wishes Chris

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  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 30/04/2011 17:23 in reply to Woodpecker

    Hi B Reid and welcome to the RSPB Forum.  Enjoy yourself here

    Many common birds in our gardens have an assortment of calls, and never stick to one tune at all.  It can get confusing at times to what species is what.

    I have heard Scops Owls in Menorca each year for 5 years now.   Their call is one that cannot be similar to another birds calls.  They make 'poop' noises and sound although they are calling out of an empty tin can as soon as the daylight goes, and night time arrives.

    Never heard of a Scops Owl in the UK art all {except in captivity} - would be a first to me


    Kathy and Dave

  • If you still can't work it out, the only likely way is to home in on the call and see the bird making it! Mind you, it's sometimes easier said than done!



    Seriously thinking about trying harder!

  • You could also try to get a recording of its call and post it on here. A mobile phone might do it if you can get close enough or your digital camerea may be able to record audio.

    I assume you've eliminated chaffinch. Their "hueet" call can go on endlessly.





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