Kent large bird single Toot.

Today working at house in weald of kent, very rural, 2 ponds, I heard the moor hens going nuts as a heron had landed, I scared that off, about an hour later on 2nd pond surrounded by large trees, I could hear this really loud single short toot, almost like a quick  blow of a penny whistle, about every 5-10 seconds apart, the moor hens, ducks on the pond were going mad, garden birds joining in,  along with a few crows,.. I thought the heron was back, but the toot was coming from high up in a tree, which the crows were circlying and sqwarking at .. I have never heard this call before, so I tried to see what bird it was, it then flew out of the tree, about 3ft in front of me.  With all the mayhem from other birds I thought it would be a bird of prey, but I'm pretty certain it wasn't, there is a little owl that sits on begoda but it wasn't him, it was much too big..

it looked more like what I can only describe as a mix size and colourings of a baby seagul speckled brown,, crossed with a very large fat  pigeon,/ female pheasant size and shape, didn't have the tail of pheasant, .  As soon as it went, crows left and harmony was restored to the pond so it was obviously a threat. Any Ideas please??