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Wondering if anyone can help ID this birdsong? Sounds like laser beams and it's always the same noise. I live near a river and woods in County Antrim, Ireland which is close to the coast. The closest thing I can guess is a greenfinch or even a song thrush but the thing putting me off both is Greenfinch is usually faster and a song thrush usually varies it's phrases. It''s this same song over and over.
Hi, did you put it through Merlin? I put your clip through with no results but that clip is probably too short.
I have birdnet. Put it into that and it was clueless. I hear it al the time so I've recorded it often and it's clueless every time. There are a LOT of birdsong where I am so I always need to try and find that gap where this little fellow is singing and others are not and this was the best one of those. A blackcap & blackbird always seems to sing at the same time to confuse the aps.
Song thrush for me.