What bird song is this

I heard this lovely bird song while on a walk, I have no clue what it is. It sounds a lot like a canary actually, to the point that I wondered if someone's pet had escaped! So perhaps its a finch? Anyhow, if anyone is able to help with the ID it would be much appreciated!!

  • I'm getting very low volume on my laptop but from what I can hear, it could be a mistle thrush. That would also fit with the time of year if you're in the UK.
  • yeah its a very quiet recording unfortunately, sorry about that! to me it doesn't sound the right pitch/quality for a mistle thrush? at least in my experience mistle thrushes have a similar sound to blackbirds

    I am in the UK, in greater manchester.
  • I've amplified your recording a bit and tried to do some noise reduction. Unfortunately there's still quite a lot of wind noise but I think you can hear the song more clearly..

    I think you could be right that it sounds like the trilling of a canary.



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  • Thanks very much! I'm leaning towards the idea that its either an escaped canary, or just a very loud one in an outside aviary.
  • I heard a bird that sounded the same as this a few days ago ,around dawn  . I live on Great Bernera,Isle of Lewis Scotland and there's no way it was a Canary it wouldn't survive our harsh winds . So it must be another bird very similar sounding . People don't have aviaries up here because the weather's so harsh . And we are out in the country ,not a residential area where you might overhear a neighbours caged bird 

  • If you can post an audio recording we will try to ID it. In your location something like a Meadow Pipit or Skylark is a possibility.



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