Window strike Warbler?

Please identify this window strike (warbler?) and include any tips on preventing this from happening again. Portland, Oregon. Thank you in advance!

  • Without a photo it's impossible for say. Also as we are a mainly British forum so knowledge of American birds is a bit limited.

    To prevent strikes there are a number of things but nothing is a 100% - if the bird hit the window trying to escape a predator not much will make a difference. Use blinds or curtains to reduce/disrupt reflection, stickers on glass can help. Shutters on the outside that can be closed when the sun causes the most reflection. I've also heard of Saran Wrap being used against the glass to dull it down but not sure about that

    Cin J

  • Germain has given you good advice about mitigating bird strikes;

    As for the ID of the warbler why not try browsing the photos of warblers on the excellent Conell Lab of Ornithology website. I'm sure you can identify the bird just as well as we can from a photo. It also shows the distribution of each species so you can see whether it occurs in Oregon



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