Great Tit?


I just wondered if this is a Great Tit with it having no yellow on it. I checked coal, marsh and willow tit but I don’t think it’s one of those either, I just wondered if anyone could help identify it please pics are blurry as I screenshot them for my video as it wouldn’t upload. Thanks in advance 

  • It's a juvenile Great Tit

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Aww thanks very much really appreciate you replying to me
  • The general lack of yellow in the plumage suggests coal tit to me.
  • I just showed you a picture of a great tit with a white nape...I have plenty more as I have a fair few fledglings in the garden

    Well you don't have a clue if your relying on an app to identify....

    It's been a pleasure yet again Steven

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hahahahaha..... Put it through Obsidentify - European based and it will give me 100% Great Tit.

    Merlin couldn't identify it for me the first time then it came up with Great Tit first then Coal tit

    Siri thought it was a Vireo or Lesser Goldfinch

    AI is not infallible btw

    Going by the youngsters that were flitting around my garden last week and in the green house I would say juvenile Great Tit and I can safely say not CT because we do not have breeding CT in the area

    SO to KraftyWalrus - I think it's a Great Tit youngster. Sorry you got caught in an AI vs experience debate 

    Cin J

  • Seriously? I'm not guilty and I can't imagine who would have done this unless it was accidentally.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Let's see if my family photo of GTs is allowed!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I also noticed that the profile had been changed, at one point a date of birth was showing, not now, things that were written, taken out and new wording added.

    Just out of interest, how do you know if something has been edited or marked as spam? Being deleted by knowing or remembering a particular post is no longer there?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Looks like Steven didn't delete his posts so he says

    I have copied from his "about' idea why he has changed it to this rather than just posting it!

    About reflux
    1. I suggested a wren on a dunnock thread.

    2. I stuck up for kevin & pointed out grandstanding.

    3. I believe its a coal tit, not a great tit.

    The arguments started, all because i have a different opinion that you disagree with!

    I know bullying when i see it, even if its disguised as passive aggressiveness, groupthink, sarcastic belittling, condescending mannerism, or moral grandstanding.

    And misuse of the "spam/abuse" button by flagging multiple posts just to get someone blocked or banned from a forum is controlling and straight up covert narcissism.

    Imagine flagging every single one of my replies. Ive had 15 posts flagged in a row, and another 3 before that. That just shows the immaturity of whoever it is being spiteful, vitriolic, and intolerant of different opinions.

    Flagging the posts removes them apparently, as i haven't deleted any, and this is exactly why its controlling behaviour, groupthink, and herd mentality cyberbullying, by stopping people from saying anything that goes against your views, just to have their comments removed, yet its ok for you's to have your say, insult kevinjitspur's intelligence with obvious laws, tell me im clueless, unskilled, shouldn't be studying, to buy a basic bird book, that im uneducated, belittle me, tell me im underage, and then involve my parents by saying you sympathise with them, all while "a group of friends" are mobbing me and arguing over a dunnock, a coal tit, and a nest.

    I have literally 11 of you all arguing over the first 3 replies i made to 3 different people, on 3 different threads. Another 8 people jumped on the bandwagon and got involved by ganging up on me to triangulate, flag my profile, and force me out the forum, while liking each others posts, threatening me with a ban, and flagging all my previous posts too, so that you can ensure a ban. That's insane.

    Am meant to just comply or conform, and just agree to everything that's said, and agree that its a great tit, when i disagree? Have i to just walk on eggshells incase someone gets offended or takes things personally? You're all abusing the "flag button", which is for spam, threats or violence. Neither of these things happened.

    ItsaRobbo, you seem to be the ringleader, so its me against you, Linda257, Mr. B, Clare, Germain, tuwit, Chris Gallacher, nairnred, CatLady, PimperneBloke, Alan, and whoever else that's joining in. That's groupthink cyberbullying.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)