Short Toed Treecreepers?

We had these Treecreepers nesting next door to us in our holiday house in the woods on the mountains in the Sorrento peninsula. Merlin 'heard' them as Short Toed Treecreepers - what do you think? How can you distinguish between the Short Toed and 'ordinary' Treecreepers?


  • This is what t'internet says:

    Difficult to separate from Eurasian Treecreeper: note slightly longer bill, shorter hind claw, browner flanks, and even steps on the wingbar. In the field best separated by voice, a penetrating "tut." Where it overlaps in range with Eurasian Treecreeper tends to be found in more deciduous woodlands at lower altitudes and in farmlands and parks.
    Although widely distributed in Europe (including the Channel Islands), the Short-toed Treecreeper is a very rare visitor to Britain (and hasn't been recorded in Ireland).
  • Hi-

    looks OK for Short Toed and the geographical range is correct


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