Jackdaw fledgling advice

Hi everybody, 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
I found a jackdaw fledgling in my garden last night, I was hoping this morning he’d of left and found his wings but after keeping a close eye on him all day today it appears he isn’t quite ready. He is doing very small flys from one object to another but not very often at all, I did notice mum in the area but I didn’t see her feed him once. I have offered him some nuts and dog food this evening which he had a tiny bit of and he’s also had water throughout the day. I don’t want to interfere to much as I’ve read mostly online it says not to but I’ve seen there’s a storm predicted this evening and I couldn’t bare it if I did the wrong thing and he didn’t make it. Should I bring him inside and return him back to the garden in the morning or am I best leaving him where is he sort of perched into the side of a bush and I’ve left him a box out on its side so he can take shelter if needed or a place to sleep. My garden is pretty secure I’ve never seen any cats get in or anything so I’m hoping he isn’t in any predatory danger but any advice would be amazing please as I just want him to be ok. Thank you :) 

  • Sorry, no one has got back to you. Site quiet at the moment, I would say leave the bird alone. If the parents are around, they will look after it. You could keep throwing some food under the bushes and keep putting out water as well. Sometimes it is best to just let them get on with things, they know best.

    Just some advice: You may want to change your name from your email, as this is an open site, you do not want to get spam and rubbish emails.

    Go to the top of the page, and click the wee circle top right
    Go into profile, down the right-hand side you will see, edit profile, hit that.
    At the top where your email is, you can change that to what you want to be called
    Then save profile, over on the right.

    Hole this helps

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you so much for your response,
    Since I’ve noticed mum is feeding him and I’ve seen him do a few small flys from my garden to next doors and back again so I’m hopeful soon he’ll be ready to join the big birdies in the sky,

    Thank you for the advice

    :) x
  • Good news Shannon, glad you managed to change your name, good luck with Jackdaw.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.