Me again. So I decided to introduce myself to some shore birds. Went to Severnside, Bristol and got overwhelmed. What confuses me is that according by RSPB Handbook of British Birds book some of the species i think I saw are only supposed to be seen in winter. Anyway, here we go...
1. Turnstone?
2. Redshank?
3. What is little fella in the bottom centre? what are others?
4. Curlews?
5. Same as 2?
6, Little Ringed Plover
7. Oystercatcher
8. Snipe?
Thank you all in advance. I really appreciate your help
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Super photos Sowulo from what looked like a very pleasant visit, and a good attempt at your bird ID's, and nice to have the confirmation.
Reference your comment on winter migration birds, i think, but don't quote me, because like you, I'm still learning and with a lot to learn, I think that can start anytime now. Hopefully if I'm wrong, someone will correct me.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
rspbailey said:Last bird looks like a Dunlin.
I did wonder but the beak looks a bit too straight.
Individual beaks can vary - as well as digital distortion and light also affecting details - so I have edited the photo (only to brighten it) to show that its beak does seem to have a curve.
It could just be covered in mud, which is likely.
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
the last bird is a classic summer plumage Dunlin moulting to winter :)