Hi, I heard this yesterday evening (7.20 pm) in the middle of a fairly large patch of woodland on the Isle of Wight. I can't place it at all - I'm not even sure if it's a bird or not! Does anybody have any idea what it is?
I'm talking about the whistling/wailing noise, not the chiffchaff or goldfinches, in case that's not obvious!
Weird noise.m4a
Weird noise 2.m4a
Yes I'll definitely try and get a better recording - it's really bugging me! This is another one from about five minutes after the first, but I'm not sure it's any more help - its a bit quieter/further away
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
I've increased the volume and cleaned up the hiss a bit (hope that's okay OP) so hopefully members might hear something they didn't hear the first time.
So after listening again - and through headphones - I 'think' there are possibly 2 individuals as at times the calls seem to overlap each other.
I also 'think' I can hear a hoot and some barking as well as definite screams, which brings me back to owls and foxes I'm afraid.
Obviously, that's just me, but sometimes the most common answer (owls/ foxes) is the answer.
But that's just my opinion and I welcome other members offering theirs.
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