Hello: I'm new to this Community. My wife recorded some bird song but we searched and searched for it online to no avail. How do I upload an audio file to this website? Cheers, Euan

Aha. Now I see what to do!

This AUDIO-2022-06-08-13-03-07 Unknown bird song.m4aApril my wife and I were up on the NW coast of Scotland at a place called Altandhu, about 20 miles up the coast from Ullapool.  Several times we'd been hearing the rhythmic song of a wee bird and managed to record it.  But we never got a good sighting of the bird but it might have been one of the Tit family.  We haven't been able to find a similar song on any website.

If you use headphones you might be able to hear the rather poor recording which is attached.

We'll be so happy if somebody identifies the bird species.

In anticipation.
