Differences between female chaffinch and female greenfinch


Saw a bird today and I’m stuck between a female chaffinch or a female greenfinch. Definitely was a type of finch; it had the slimmer distinctive shape of a greenfinch but didn’t have any yellow/green and had a plain beige head/beak with streaky wings. It came on its own, stood on a fence and left pretty quickly. Any ideas? 

  • Hi ellis as Robbo said sometimes its diffcult to tell what you saw without a picture.

    Female chaffis and greenies have distinctive wingbars  as shown below so your description doesnt really match. Lighting plays a big part in tricking our eyes as aswell. 

    Only suggestion I have is a dunnock ? 

    Hopefully you can get a pic tomorrow

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hello,
    I will try super hard to get a photo tomorrow, I am waking up specifically early tomorrow to do so. If it really is too fast again, I will purposely look for any wing bars; I’ve got the photos now to cross compare thanks to you. Hopefully, I will be able to finally identify it. I don’t think it is a dunnock, as I already get these in my garden. Thanks for the photos anyway and I will keep you updated.
    Thanks, Ellis
  • Hi

    even a bad photo with a mobile phone would help :)


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