I'm pretty sure this is a large white butterfly:
This is the one I haven't got a clue about. It just abruptly dropped to the ground in front of me (I'm assuming it is from Earth!) and I can't honestly remember seeing anything like it:
If someone could identify this they will make me very happy.
Many thanks!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
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Cin J
I'll agree on Podalonia, either hirsute (hairy) or affinis (Eastern sand wasp) as both are to be found around here. The other common Sand Wasp (we tend to use the generic term on Digger Alley for simplicity) is Ammophila sabulosa, but that has a longer abdomen than seems to be the case here. Both take caterpillars down the burrow, like this one
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Unknown said:"Easily distinguished from P. hirsuta and P' luffii by the oblique striae on the top of the propodeum. Compared with P. hirsuta, it is much less hairy and has fully formed pulvilli on the final tarsal segments. It never attains the size of the largest hirsuta females."
Jesus Christ. Can I have a translation, please?
I think that exceptionally knowledgeable people like this would do everyone (including themselves) a huge favour by explaining things in language everyone can understand. Latin shuts out a significant number of people, which is unnecessary.