Who's this little fella?

Hi all, I'm brand new to birding 

This little brown bird and 6 other identical ones were all feeding on fat balls and mixed seed this morning- from what I've read, I think its a juvenile blackbird, but I'm not sure.


  • Hi Lewis, it looks to me like a starling, the spots on a juvenile blackbird are much less distinct, and also I think it's probably too early for juveniles. It's a lovely detailed pic though, keep posting and learning (there are loads of people on here with masses of knowledge they love to share), and as someone's tag says, the only stupid question is the one that wasn't asked.
  • A Starling Lewis & male too looking at the blue base of it's beak! I have a regular flock of six visiting daily ... raucous but lively & lovely ... wait til the little brown noisy youngsters arrive!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks a lot!
    There's certainly a lot about- living in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

    I've got fatballs and a robin&songbird bix out (includes cut maize, cut wheat, whole naked oats, sunflower hearts, suet pellet and millet) That's proving quite popular.

    I'm going to get some bird peanuts and dried mealworms out

    What do you think of suet blocks in a cage?
  • They all love sunflower hearts, will like the fat blocks too, peanuts not so much, only put a few out in proper feeder to test the water, they go mouldy quite quickly & shouldn't be freely available out in the open at this time of year in case taken back to chicks who could choke on them! I would soak the dried mealworms in warm watter to rehydrate!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • If you really want to use peanuts, I would recommend getting your hands on some 'kibbled' ones and mixing them with small suet pellets (I use fruity ones). I also put an initial layer of black sunflower seeds at the bottom of the feeder to aid drainage and prevent clogging.
  • Hello Lewis, welcome from up in the very far north of Scotland, in Caithness. We are all still learning, me thinks, well I am anyway! Enjoy here, we are a good bunch and any questions just ask, no matter how silly you think they may be, there will always be someone here to help. I feed seed, sunflower hearts, Niger seed, fat balls/cakes/logs and peanuts. All in feeders or holders. If you want to try and make some bird pastry, it is very easy. Mix shops own flour with half the quantity of fat, to that you can add, seed, chopped nuts, grated cheese, suet pieces, dried fruits (sultanas/raisins) whatever you fancy. Add a splash of water to bind it all together and place in a bag in the fridge for a few hours, just to firm up. You can they shape pieces to fit into feeders or pull of small pieces and squeeze aroung the branches. They love it, so sit back and wait and you will soon have lots of new feathered friends.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.