Mystery bird, no picture yet

Hi everyone,

new to this so please bear with me :)

Today I saw what I thought at first glance was a Robin. On my second glance I noticed it was about the size of a Thrush, only it had a red throat/chest and NOT a red face too like a Robin.

I have hunted all over the net and am now toying with the idea that it's either a red-throated thrush

(which is a rare visitor to Britain - I live in Kent) or a very odd robin/thrush type hybrid of some description.

Everytime I spot it I try to get a mental image in my head, (it's usually foraging on the ground near long grass by my kitchen window and then disappears back into my very overgrown apple tree) I grab my camera and it's gone again lol

I'm really hoping to get a photo soon, and will post it if I do.

I should also mention that it's back, wings and tail are what I can only describe as the same colour as a female sparrow, and under the red chesty bit it's white, hence I first mistook it for a robin. He also has what I can try and describe as a white line on edge of the wings (the bit of the wing that sits and rests on his belly - I'll call it an elbow for want of a better term lol)

I'll keep you posted, but if you have any ideas meantime please feel free to chip in  :)


Many thanks





Good things come to those who wait :0)

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 23/07/2010 00:10

    Hi Ali

    Welcome to the forum. Enjoy yourself here

    You could well have seen a Red Throated Thrush in your sights

    They have been noted in the UK though where escapes my mind at the moment

    They would set of a twitch if one was noted in an area.

    If you could send a photo here it would help no end.

    I will keep my ear to the ground and see if there are other noted sightings in your area


    Kathy and Dave

  • Thank you so much for your warm welcome :o)

    Wow that's so exciting if we're right!

    I will carry my camera at all times now, as he/she seems fairly illusive.
    I spotted it twice today in the morning, so will make sure to specially look the same time tomorrow.

    After getting into bird watching I invested a great camera,
    so if he/she stands still long enough I should get some fab pics :-)

    Can't wait to update you. I'll be back here like a shot when I get some photos for you.

    All the best,


    Good things come to those who wait :0)

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 23/07/2010 00:22 in reply to phillnali

    Hi Ali

    Anytime with the help.

    I really would love to see those photos now {big smile}


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Ali

    Welcome to the forum. Your mystery bird sounds intruiging. I hope you manage to get a photo. We'd all love to see it.

    Regards TJ



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi and a warm welcome from me,

    I won't hazzard a guess, but if you manage a photo I'm sure one of the experts will ID it for you. Put your camera round your neck and keep it switched on at all times!!! Even a pic through a window will do.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi!

    I dont want to rain on your parade but have you definately eliminated the more common red breasted British birds such as redpoll, linnet, redstart, bullfinch etc before you settled on red throated thrush?

    It would be wonderful if it is one but the chances are slim :)

    Hope you dont find this post offensive because its certinainly not meant that way :)





    "dawn is mine, but I will share it, with whatever bird will wear it"

  • If we're talking uber-rare thrushes, there are more UK records of American Robin than of Red-throated Thrush and the description sounds just as good for this species (also, American Robins do have a habit of showing up in gardens!). However, it too is still an extremely rare vagrant to the UK. It's all academic without a photo or a really detailed sketch/description... so I hope you see the mystery bird again soon :)

  • I had wondered about a redpoll in breeding plumage. It fits the bill apart from its size.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi again everyone and thanks for all the interest and replies so far :)

    The size is not that of a robin. When I described it to my partner via text before I had even looked it up, I actually said to him that  it was the size and shape of a thrush.

    I can confirm that it is definitely not a :

    robin, linnet, redpoll, restart, bullfinch..etc
    mainly due to it's size (unless its been going to the gym :) and it's colouration. The main plumage is rather pale, like the colour of a female sparrow, and it's belly (if my memory serves me correctly) is white, and it has a white stripe along the wing elbows. The head is slightly darker than the main pale colour.

    I won't get my hopes up but I will say I haven't seen anything like it in my British or European bird books.

    I will keep my eyes peeled and hope to snap him/her very very soon.

    I'll be back as I have any photos to upload :-)

    Thanks again for the lovely welcome and helpful messages

    All the best



    Good things come to those who wait :0)

  • doh sorry, forgot to state the most important bit again, the red chest/throat  :-)

    Good things come to those who wait :0)