Can anyone tell me what this little fella is please? Some people laughed and said it was a robin but I beg to differ. It was about the size of a thrush and had the most beautiful song. Sorry the picture isn't overly clear but I had to zoom in and crop it to make any sense of it at all as it was so far away from my house but large enough to see at the top of the tree.
Look Up Into The Sky And See Life!
Hi Ruby,
I have to say that it looks like a robin to me too but other more experienced eyes will confirm one way or another!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Hi MarJus
Thanks for your reply. I agree that it looks like a robin too but am just puzzled by the size of it. It was double the size of a robin and that's what is catching me out. Suppose it could be on steriods :D
I agree, a Robin. Size is really difficult to judge accurately when you see a bird from a long way off, with nothing else around to give you an easy size comparison. It's difficult to tell but to me it doesn't look thrush-sized compared to the twigs it's in.
I saw my first ever Wryneck just before it was caught in a mist net for ringing, and I was surprised by how tiny it looked close-up in the ringer's hand - when it was out in the bushes it looked like a pretty sizeable bird.
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Hi Ruby and welcome to the RSPB. Enjoy your stay with us.
I find your picture interesting. Can I ask where you took the picture?
The reason I asked the question is that if the picture was taken in the USA there is an American Robin species, and it is Thrush sized .... yes, it is a member of the Thrush family, and a lot larger than our non-related Robins. Anyway another interesting theory.
If the picture was taken in the UK, it will be a Robin as we know them. Sometimes photographs can give a false illusive as to the true size of the bird.
Kathy and Dave
Hides in corner in embarrassment :)
American Robin has a quite bold face pattern (black with white eye-ring) that would show even in this little photo :)