On a cruise ship in the Caribbean in Oct 2007....these 2 little birds were either having a long earned rest..or a free ride to the next port...anyone got any idea's as to what they were?
SUE and LUCKY..just call me Mrs Early Bird.....x
Our house operate's soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........
Hi birdlady1
I'm not the best at identification and someone else will come along who is better than me.
The first bird looks like a young blackcap and the second one looks like either a chiffchaff or possibly a sedge warbler.
Buzzard has some great identification details here:
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
I'm no good on American birds... no 1. looks kinda like a juv European Starling (common over there) but not quite right (ETA - it may be a juv Grey Catbird - did it have a long tail?) and 2 I think is a species of American wood warbler or vireo. If you have no luck getting positive IDs here try the ID forum at www.birdforum.net, there are many birders there from across the pond who'll be able to help.
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/
Hi Birdlady
I sent your query across to a couple of friends of mine in the USA..
He thinks the first one is a Gray Catbird a relative of the Mockingbird and is quite a common backyard bird. Here's a link that tells you about it including some of its song and calls. The "mew" one is how it gets its name apparently.
He didn't know what the second one was. His wife who is the real expert is out at the moment but if I get any more info I will pass it on.
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream
top bird is a catbird as already established
bottom bird appears to be a first winter Cape May warbler
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
Hi again
Hot off the press and quoted verbatim
"Val agrees about the catbird. She thinks the other is either an immature Cape May warbler or immature Palm warbler."
Hope this helps
Unknown said: Hi Birdlady I sent your query across to a couple of friends of mine in the USA.. He thinks the first one is a Gray Catbird a relative of the Mockingbird and is quite a common backyard bird. TJ
He thinks the first one is a Gray Catbird a relative of the Mockingbird and is quite a common backyard bird. TJ
Oh good, I was worried I might be way off with Grey/Gray Catbird :) And Cape May Warbler eh? Must go over sometime and see some of these fantastic American birds in person, now that I don't go twitching in the UK anymore ;)
Hi people...thankyou all for your expertise..............I had no clue what they were.........but they were VERY friendly.......
Palm warbler is a good contender but the eastern subspp. tends to be yellower in autumn/winter and even though we can't see the undertail coverts I decided it looked good for CMW :)