I've been searching to see if anyone else has spotted a Red Kite just off the M20 at West Malling. I saw it last night. I'm no expert , but I've seen hundreds of red kites on the M40 like everyone else, and this was the same. At first I thought it was a buzzard, but as I drove closer it had the slim wings and the forked tail, clear as can be. Can't find any mention of them on the website.
Hi Ouzlefish
Welcome to the forum. I haven't seen any reports on this forum of red kites being seen in this area but it does rather depend whether members happen to live in that area. You may be the first.
Red kites do seem to be popping up all over the country. I just had a look at the Birdguides website and in the last few days there have been sightings from Cornwall, Devon, E Sussex, Norfolk and Essex. Whether these are birds ranging far and wide from established populations or whether they are genuinely spreading remains to be seen.
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream
Hi Ouzlefish,
I believe red kites do travel great distances (though I don't have a figure). I've seen individuals quite far from the main centres of red kites populations; one over the centre of Milton Keynes for example. But your individual seems to have crossed or circumnavigated London to get to West Malling.
They put little effort into travel (i.e. no flapping if it can be avoided), especially on good soaring days of which there have been many recently, so it wouldn't surprise me to see them many tens of miles from home.
Thanks for that TeeJay. This was the one bird, whereas on the M40 they always seem to be out in at least pairs. I've just put it on the Birdguides site so maybe we'll hear if anyone else has seen something similar.
Thanks for that. Yes, it seems a heck of a way to go - but then he didn't have to spend 5hrs in holiday traffic on the M25. I still get excited when I see a buzzard in Kent, and kites on the M40. But kites in Kent - splendid.