We have a bird in a tree at the bottom of our garden which sings all day long but try as we might we can't see it and therefore can't send a picture. It has a very loud trill which starts something like three notes of a swanee whistle thern an ascending trill ending in a sound like ku choo. Lasts about three seconds.
I'm new to this website is it possible to load an audio file. I've listened to every RSPB bird song and none matches it at all
Hi Martin
Welcome to the forum.
No, you can't upload sound files I'm afraid. The way I've got round it is by shooting a video which of course records sound as well as a picture. Then I've uploaded it to YouTube. Some of my videos have just been a shot of a bush which has been a bit of a joke on the forum. If you've got a video camera or even an ordinary digital camera which can shoot video this is a tactic you could try if you want to go to the trouble. Flickr will also accept user videos.
From your description my first guess would be chaffinch. Does it repeat the same little song over and over without any significant variation? Try listening to that on the RSPB site.
Another possibility is one of the warblers but very difficult to say which without hearing it..
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream
Hi TJ Many Thanks I hadn't thought about Youtube.
After your post I listened to the RSPB site again but it's not quite the same as the one we've got the ending is quite different! However I looked at about 10 videos on youtube and about four of them sound almost exactly the same as ours. Definitely a Chaffinch.
Many Thanks for your help it's been puzzling us for days!
Good, glad that we got it sorted. It sprang to mind as a possibility because I've had one in a tree at the end of my garden just singing all day. Drives you mad.
The problem with many birds is that they develop their own subtle dialects which if you've only got one source to listen to can make identification a bit tricky.
Cheers TJ