Coffee time puzzler
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Corn bunting ?
My Flickr Photostream
I think that the beak isn't quite right for corn bunting.
I have absolutely no idea. If I was forced to give one answer I'd say skylark
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Juvenile Skylark perhaps.
Still trying to get one right! Is it a rock pipit? The legs look reddish and the eye markings seem to fit.
It's a skylark photographed in April.
Note the thickset appearance and large scapulars, also the thickish pointed bill, 'lark type face pattern' with pale lores and well defined ear coverts. The tertials are large and long but the primaries extend beyond them ( note the distinctive shape to the primary tips) - on meadow and rock pipit the tertials cloak the primaries completely. The legs are pinky flesh.
Well I must admit I'm surprised and amazed that I successfully managed to identify what I would call a 'fairly non-descript brownish bird'.
I've recently been to a friends cottage in Dorset and there were skylarks in her garden.
My photos weren't very good but the side of the face did look very similar so I just plumped on skylark as my answer. :-) Here's one that I took:
Well done Chris. I was way off the mark on that one.
What a fab photo Chris. Most unusual shot.
I too am hopeless at guessing little brown birds, but thanks to this forum I'm getting better at it.
Found this post too late to guess myself (I would have guessed at a Pipit, of course!)
Have asked Seymour for another puzzler for us, so hope to have another way out guess soon)
PS not like you to be wrong TJ. The curse of the LBB has struck again.