HI All,
I visited Norfolk this time last year and heard a Warbler singing then caught sight of it. If I remember it was whilst on a visit to Pensthorpe Nature Reserve.
I've never been very good with LBJs so any help would be appreciated:
I've also been going thru my photos and am now not too sure of some of the IDs I originally gave them so I might call on you guys for more help, if that's ok?
Many thanks, Graham
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Hi Graham
It looks like a reed Warbler to me.
Great photo by the way !
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Yes, AL's absolutely right it is a reed warbler. You did well to get such good photo - they are such secretive little blighters. I've been trying to get a photo of one at my local reserve for the last couple of weeks now. I can hear them but despite all my "pishing" noises they just won't pop up.LOL
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Thanks guys, I was hoping it was - only a couple of dozen more Warblers to photograph now! :)
reed warblers don't make pishy type noises - they make a growling, rattling Trrrrr sound- try that to get them out :)
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