My brother has taken this picture of a bird running along the down ramp on a beach in St Ives Cornwall. I have a suspicion I know what it is but would like a kind soul to confirm what it is if possible :)
Well here it is:
Whatever it is, I wish I could see more of them!
Thank you,
I won't be happy until I've got a penguin down :)
Hi Steve
It's a turnstone still not in its full summer plumage, but I suspect you knew that already.
They are usually found fossicking about on stony or seaweed covered beaches doing what their name implies looking for food.
They are nice little birds and are less nervous than many other waders. Nice picture your brother took.
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream
Great picture, and such a lovely bird.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi TJ, Sparrow,
Thanks for the identification TJ. I did think it was a juvenile turnstone. Must say that the picture in my guidebook is virtually identical to this picture and so didn't think there was much chance of being wrong.
What's great about it is that my brother is in the process of emigrating to Canada, which from what I've read is a similar thing to what Turnstone's do each year. So there's a nice little coincidence isn't there. :)
When he's in the UK next I might get him to take more pictures for me though as you can tell he's much better at it than I am! lol
Thanks again,