Visiting an old school chum I spotted this bird. He thought it was a female 'yellowhammer' but it seems to lack enough yellow for me. It seems to match 'lapland bunting' to me but thought it would have been on its way home by now.
What do you reckon,
Regards, David
Hi Buzzard & Micky,
Got there in the end! Thanks a bundle it is good to have your expertise to draw on on.
Whilst I was with my pal on his farm saw the first swallow, which had just arrived. They have returned to last years barn and their nests are waiting and so am I for some pics!
Lapland buntings are a different sub family to reed buntings, being long spurs. They have very long hind claws because they are terrestrial. They are a different shape, and look more heavily built.
Lapp Bunts are longer winged ( huge primary projection) and shorter tailed than reed bunts and in winter plumage have triangular 'corners' to their ear coverts, the ID was covered in Birdwatching magazine a couple of months ago.
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