One more before bedtime. USUAL RULES.
Female Chaffinch?
Adorned suggests crested but this bird doesn't live among rocks. It is sitting on the National Trust crest though. Oh well, here goes. Crested tit?
There is something new to learn everyday...
a rolling Stonechat gathers no answers
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Hello again all,
Becca, for sheer determination you should have won already! Not Chaffinch, sorry. Apologies if my badly worded reply lead you away from the answer earlier.
Lynette, Wheatear? Already gone, I'm afraid.
Sarum Bat, same for Crested Tit.
Step forward Highland McHale, and pray share your methodology with the readers sir!
Minsmere Beach June 2008
I am bird watcher, no real method just look, I wanted to not play this one and let it run, but when MJ and KR did not help the stress was too much!! Nice shot by the way.
Well done Highland McHale :-) You have put us all out of our desperation at last
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Nice one mate:-)
If anyone's interested, the other clues refer to the Linnean name Saxicola = lives in rocks, and torquatus = adorned. Also, SAX=Saxmundham. Daft, I know, but they were the first thoughts that came into my head at the time!
Thanks to all those who had a bash.