OK, the gloves are off now. No more "Mr nice guy".
Hope this one's OK folks, the crop doesn't do it any favours!
Sorry Lynette & littleowl, it's not a grouse. It is an eye though!
the red bit looks like a red stained maggot to me!!!!
Def one of those pics that you screw your eyes up to see that I can never see!!! LOL
I didn't get to be stupid by being blonde, I was stupid enough to pay to be blonde!!!
Well I might as well make a fool of myself again!!!
Is it a common Dove?
You have no control over what life & people throw at you - but you have full control over how you deal with it!
Hi Lyndsey,
Hope it wasn't me that upset you! If anything I wrote offended you, I sincerely apologise.
As for the quiz, I think its time for another clue:
The species in question is a passerine, and the sole representative of its family in Europe.
Thanks for having a bash,
P.S. Sorry Chez. Do you mean Collared Dove?
littleowl, your peacocks changed into a......er.......a flower!
Not Waxwing, I'm afraid, but I can see it won't be long before this one's cracked!
I Googled 'red around eye' and it came up with Common Ground Dove
But if collared dove is the answer then yes that is what I meant!!!! ha ha
How nice of you to notice change of Avatar.
Scarlet Rosefinch
Oh, sorry Chez, I see what you mean! Not Ground Dove I'm afraid, this is a UK breeding species.
Collared Dove? not one of them either.