this was in my garden today , i thought a young sparrow but the marking around the eyes are different , as you know im totally and utterly new to this so hope i dont embarrass myself here . x ive just tried to download picture but keeps coming up with error ill try and download another one ,
Hi Laura,
not sure if you have forgot to upload a photo!
Also not much info to go on!
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
I tried but came up with error twice so im trying to sort problem out ,havent had a problem before but ill post photo as soon as lets me ,keeps coming up with error !!
Hopefully get piccie on soon
also tried putting it in gallery still wouldnt let me and its the same way ive been posting piccies so far ,but ill get it on soon
Hello Laura, this is a Dunnock.
Hi Laura
Lovely picture of a Dunnock
Hope that your photo loading gets better soon
Kathy and Dave
Hi laura
Yes it's a dunock.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
thankyou for persevering with uploading the photo.
The forum can be quite unstable at times, photo's not loading, error messages and pictures vanishing!
As the other members have suggested, the bird is indeed a Dunnock.
Dunnocks certainly resemble sparrows (and they're often called Hedge Sparrows) but look again at the beak. It's longer and more slender than that of a seed munching House Sparrow. Dunnocks eat mainly insects and need that delicate beak for winkling them out of nooks and crannies. Dunnocks tend to act demurely, foraging quietly in the background of your average garden, but they have amazingly complicated love lives...
Nice picture.
Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?
Thanks for speedy replies , very helpful and interesting , i sure have a lotttttttttt to learn lol . im pleased i didnt embarrass myself to much there .Thanks everyone for replys look forward to having everyone answer my future queries as im sure theres going to be , Thanks again all
Lovely picture of a dunnock. If his mate is around you will see him fluttering his wings and chasing her all over the garden.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr