Big grey and white ground bird ?

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  • Hi,

    They are Guinea fowl.  Here is a photo of some which are kept on a farm near my home.

    They are strange looking birds.  I think this one looks a bit like a clown in full makeup.


    There is something new to learn everyday...

  • LOL!! aren't they just, it looks like someone has grabbed the head of the bird in the top photo and given it a good hard pull,

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 26/03/2010 05:24 in reply to bramble67

    Hi Sarah

    Sorry if I touched an area of your life that was 'very sad for you and important to you at the same time'.  It was good that your Guinea Fowl went to a good home.

    I have to say they are pretty birds.  I remember seeing a lot of them in the wild while on holiday in South Africa {Krugar Park} many years ago like the coloured ones in SB's photos.  That is the only time I have really looked at them.

    Duck eggs are delicious too


    Kathy and Dave

    bramble67 said:

    Sorry can't answer that. They belonged to a neighbouring farm and I was only 7 when we had to sell up the farm due to my dad having a lung disease so memories a bit shaky.  Can't even remember the name of the lady that had them, just that she made nice cakes!

    There were always so many chickens and these guinea fowl wandering around the farm yard but I don't ever remember being given an egg to eat. Duck eggs, and most other things seemed to get cooked but don't remember why they were kept.



  • Only a face a mother could love! lol :-)


  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 26/03/2010 05:27 in reply to Sarum Bat

    Hi SB

    Love your pictures SB.  Guinea Fowl have a beautiful body and the tinest head on any bird alive on this planet

    Those are like the ones I saw in South Africa - black with very dotty and spotty feathering.


    Kathy and Dave

    Unknown said:


    They are Guinea fowl.  Here is a photo of some which are kept on a farm near my home.

    They are strange looking birds.  I think this one looks a bit like a clown in full makeup.



  • Thanks everyone.


    They were'nt around this morning apparently.....


    I think it was the white chest that threw us  but yes...they must have been Guinea fowl. We live near Bramley in Hampshire and they were spotted off some of the country lanes. Possibly "escaped" from The Vyne  which has a large number of different birds in "residence"




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