:) S
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hi Seymour
Here I am with my two left feet but still I will go for a Black Headed Gull.
Kathy and Dave
Can see head of winter plumage BH gull in foreground. Going to say 'common gull' for the main subject!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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I'm so used to getting my head chopped off after sticking my neck out, one more time won't matter.
I think it might be a Mediterranean Gull based on tail markings. Can't really make out leg colouring though.
My Flickr Photostream
Is it a Herring Gull?
I'm going to say mediterranean gull 2nd winter
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
Im going to say Ring Billed Gull
Camera always at the ready!!
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Unknown said: I'm going to say mediterranean gull 2nd winter
Well done :) It's actually a 2nd Summer bird - but you can't see the blackish hood in this photo:) Note the black and white tips to the primaries and the dark red legs :))
Wow! Well done BBB!!
Thanks Marjus, Wow is what I always think when I get it right, I'm never that confident on my ID ing.