I love woodpigeons and really enjoy seeing them in the garden. They, along with most of my garden visitors, make a great deal of use of the birdbath. The problem is that after they finish drinking or bathing they like to perch on the rim looking outwards contemplating life for five minutes or so, with the inevitable consequence!
My worry is that the other birds have to drink polluted water until I can clean out the mess, which I have to do most days. I hope it doesn't harm them at all.
My birdbath is easy to clean, luckily, it consisting of a large flowerpot saucer on top of my shed!
I took this pic this morning:-
Very nice Keeta.
An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .
No woodpigeons in our garden
Hi malR
Yes, that is the best deterrent you can have LOL
When a BoP enters a garden the birds disappear very fast!!!
Kathy and Dave
I also have a ceramic plant tray for water.It is tucked away behind a bench so the birds (including the pigeons) can use it for drinking but tend not to bathe in it.
I did have a drinking dish on a pole for a while but the pigeons perched on that and it was always leaning at an angle so gave up on it!
I was wondering if there is a water dispenser available for birds to drink from rather than a bath?
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
The woodpigeons in my garden not only poo in my birdbath but also on their food bowl! I have a large dog bowl that houses pigeon food just for them. Each day they squabble over the food when the bowl can easily accommodate 3 or 4 feeding at the same time, but no….. at best 2 will feed together if they are a pair, but mostly just the strongest will chase the others off and feed alone. When the feed is gone, one will always return and poo in the bowl! Yes, it all needs cleaning daily in my garden!