
Hi everyone,

I really need some advice please.

We moved into our new bungalow just over a week ago and met our elderly neighbour who seemed lovely. He did start the conversation by saying that no one likes him here as he feeds the birds but to me he was really nice. 

Unfortunately twice a day, anywhere from 5.00am to 5.45am and then again at 5.45pm it is like I am living on a landfill site. At least 50 seagulls, squawking, calling, on my conservatory roof then all of them swooping into his garden. I cannot express how noisy and unsettling it is. We have poop over all our garden furniture, car, conservatory and we have a small cat (who isn't allowed out yet) and they frighten the life out of her.

My husband has been round to talk with him and he said that he only wants to feed the pigeons but the seagulls come in and frighten them away and not to worry as the seagulls will be gone soon. 

I am guessing this is a yearly occurrence as other neighbours  are indeed unhappy as the seagulls are disrupting their lives too.

I really don't want to fall out with my neighbour as he is an older man with a disabled wife but on the flip side this noise and mess has become too much.

Thank you