Hi just noticed a blackbird making a nest in my ivy at the bottom of the garden. I'm really concerned as I have 2 cats. I'm worried the cats might catch the adults or after the babies fledge my cat could get them. Do I leave the nest or disturb it now and hopefully the birds will go elsewhere to make one? I don't know what's best.
If the cat notices where they are going into the ivy this will not be good.
Also there are squirrels always in and out of the garden.
When the babies leave the nest will they just fly up and out or end up sitting in the garden till they finally set off?
Hi Soulgirl,
I am afraid you are unable to touch the nest or any nest as its protected by law during the breeding season. In an ideal world all cat owners should try keep their cats indoors during this season to give the birds a chance but there will always be other predators around and that's just nature. When the young BBs fledge they will hang around on the ground and undergrowth for several days to be fed by parent as they are unable to fly...usually takes about a week for them to fly.
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Yeh I read its illegal. This morning is first start at building was thinking if shes put off and goes elsewhere theres a better chance for them than being here. . I've a dog thar barks at visiting pigeons maybe will scare her off.
I'd love for her to stay but will be very sad if anything happens to them. I can try guess when they ready to leave the nest and try keep the cats in but think it's almost impossible with 1 of these as he's more of outdoor cat and will yowl the house down 24/7