Normally I attract loads of bees and other insects to my patio/garden with lots of lovely open flowers, british natives. This year, I had insects in early spring on the geraniums and poached egg plants but for the last 2 months, nothing. I go out every day hoping some insects will appear. I have seen one little bee on the hebe and that is it. (Other strange things regarding House martin behaviour and all 7 bluetit chicks dying hasn't helped either). I live in Cumbria LA18, has any one else noticed the complete absence of insects around the flowers etc? I am extremely worried about this as I deliberately plant flowers to attract bees every year and have never failed in the last 10 years and more.
Wishyouwerehere said:Hi all .. not sure what I saw recently but what I do know was that it was a fly attacking a bumblebee and on closer inspection the rear half of the bee had maggots boring into it literally being eaten alive . I swooshed the fly away and it flew straight to anther bee about two feet away and was on it whilst it was walking ( stumbling ) around .. I’ve never seen this before and wondered if anyone else had seen this ?
It sounds very likely that your bees were victims of Canopid flys or Parasitic wasps - the adult bee is eaten from the inside out by the developing larvae
Cin J