Crow Harassing me on my driveway (or tryin to be my friend?)

This little chap has been coming to me each time I arrive home from work. I haven’t fed it, but the first time it appeared I did say hello to it. It makes a beeline for me, and I don’t think it’s being aggressive, it seems to want attention? It does follow me, and tries to land on me if I was to let it. I also think it would follow me in through my front door too. I am a little afraid of it to be honest, but it seems to not be scared of me at all, and gets so close. I have read up on it and believe it’s a jackdaw, and that they recognize faces, and are super friendly. But I don’t know what to do with it? It chases me to the front door, and sits waiting there for me for a while. I have heard you have to be careful with them as they will attack if they think they are being threatened, and will remember and do so each time they see you, so am afraid I will upset it where I am afraid of it (I sound stupid I know)

I also worry that it’s tame and gotten out, but it isn’t constantly hanging  in my garden it’s only there when I arrive home from work, but what if it doesn’t know how to feed itself? Should I be feeding it or will that make it worse with me? 
some advice on how to move forward with this little chap would be great. 

  • Your crow looks to me to be a jackdaw, and I doubt it has escaped from captivity.

    Initially, unless you do anything untoward, there's nothing to fear, even though the jackdaw could have young.

    The chances are it is sussing you out as to a possible predator, along with the possibility of food. If you have nearby neighbours feeding birds, then there is a chance that could be why it appears friendly.

    Birds don't often make friends, they only come to you because they want a safe feeding point, or, to ensure their brood and themselves are not in any danger of predation.