Bluetits Fighting over my box

Hi folks. I have had bluetits in my box from the start of building. I have had success for 3 or 4 years now. My birds have built and layer 6 eggs. The female and male have been doing a great job. She sits he feeds. I noticed there was no trigger motion on my camera I have in my box and they went missing for 3 or more days. But I got a trigger again and there back. However I'm noticing commotion in the box. I think there is another female. Because new material is coming in the nest and a fight breaks out when the other tit enters. What is happening here thanks

  • I'm no expert, so hopefully someone will give a more definitive answer, but a guess is, if the original nesting pair vacated the nest box, many birds will still be seeking out nesting sights and if vacant, they will attempt to make it home.

    In the interim, if the original pair return with a view to a second attempt, then a territorial dispute could result.

    That's only a guess, and hopefully someone will confirm or correct me as appropriate.