Goose has made a nest in a dangerous location at my work place, is there a safe way to move it/get it to move without abandoning the eggs?

I work in a large iron foundry, which is a very busy & hostile industrial environment. We have a large pool on site and every year some Canada Geese return to nest. However for some reason, this year one of the geese has decided to build its nest in a very dangerous location much closer to the foundry itself. We were on a weeks shutdown so the site would have been very quiet at the time, however now that we are back at work I fear that the goose is in danger of being scared away from its nest, or in fact could be in direct danger itself. Is there any way the nest can be safely moved without causing too much distress to the goose or causing it to abandon its eggs? Or any other advice on the best course of action would be appreciated!

Thank you in advance for any help!

  • Hi Griff

    The only thing I can think of is to cordon the area off as best it can be, as it's against the law to disturb any nest once the 1st twig has been laid

    The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981

    Under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (the primary legislation which protects animals, plants and habitats in the UK), it’s ‘an offence intentionally to kill, injure or take any wild bird, or take or destroy their eggs or nest, or damage a nest, while that nest is in use or being built‘. It is also illegal to deliberately block access to a nest by, for example, stopping birds entering your roof to get to an active nest.

  • Thank you for your reply. 

    I have cordoned the area near the goose and I have also emailed our site's environmental officer asking him to send a memo out to be careful in the area as some on site may not be aware of the birds presence. 

  • In certain circumstances, such as when a process that cannot be stopped or people are in danger, live nests have been moved in the past. The people to contact will be the RSPCA and maybe the local police wildlife officer will have information to help.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can