Disappearance of two Kites.

I was lucky enough to be able to see a pair of Kites which used an advantage point from a tall tree at the bottom of a garden near me. I live near a large forested area and farm land. For the last 7 months they were always there at dawn and dusk and I often saw them circling  over head during the day. Suddenly two days ago they both disappeared. Is it usual for them to leave together? I’m worried that something has happened to them.

  • Sadly I'm not able to offer any advice or help, it could be they're seeking food elsewhere, just as much has having been hunted, but I am curious what the outcome is.

  • Is there an area close by where Red Kites are fed on a regular basis ? This would maybe attract them away from their usual haunts. Without knowing the area it is difficult to say if the are at risk of illegal persecution such as poisoning or shooting. This can be a problem in game shooting areas but more enlightened game keepers shun these practices. Hopefully your birds have just found a good supply of food and may return.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Red Kites are gregarious birds and will usually group together in communal roosts, particularly post-breeding and over winter, so it is possible they have moved on to join a roost.
  • We have a couple of winter roosts which we have watched for a good few years, both of these are quite close to shoots and we think that is why these birds do not start to use them until the shooting has died down in late Autumn When the release scheme was done in our area late '90's early 2000's it was stipulated that there should be no official feeding sites to encourage them to spread wider but as Mr B says they are communal roosters.and will ytravel miles to meet up at a roost.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can