Fallen bird box

Just came back from a walk and found one of our nest boxes had been blown out of the tree. Checked on the cctv and it had been down about two hours (1900-2100) 

I removed the top and saw three baby birds inside , probably sparrows, so fixed the box back up in the tree.

My question is....will the adult birds return and, if so, will they return before morning?

Thanks in anticipation,  Pete.

  • Hi Pete, with you replacing the box back on the tree fairly quickly I would imagine the adult birds will still be in the area and no doubt will return to feed their chicks. Keep an eye open this morning and you may see them continuing to feed the chicks. It certainly was very windy yesterday; we used to secure our wooden boxes on the oak trees with a galvanised nail either side of the box to stabilise it in the event of strong gales so maybe for next year you could put additional fixing in the autumn months when birds have finished breeding so the box is less likely to drop or tilt in challenging weather. Hopefully no harm done and the parents will continue to raise their offspring but good job you saw what had happened and acted quickly, well done.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks for that Hazel.
    It was a quick repair job up the ladder last night....a big coach bolt and a load of cable ties to hold the box together!!!
    Saw a cock sparrow leaving the box this morning so hopefully all is good.
    The little ones were quite young, not feathered, so we'll have to see how things progress.
    Have to make a replacement box at some point!
  • Good to hear the parent bird/s are returning, maybe this is a 2nd brood as they can have 3 each season (which can vary depending on food source/weather, etc.) Sounds as if they have a way to go before fledging but enjoy watching them and well done fixing the box back up so quickly.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unfortunately all three have died....parents only came back for one day then abandoned nest box.
    I've cleaned the box out, repaired it after it's fall and rehung it in the tree.....here's hoping the adults return to start again.
  • Sorry to hear the nestlings died, unlikely the birds would return to the box this year even if they are sparrows; if they were blue tits they would only have one brood and its too late for them to restart a failed nest this year. During winter months you may get a bird roosting in the box if you are lucky so it is good the box is now well secured so there is less likelihood of a calamity again. You acted swiftly so sad the parents abandoned the box and nestlings. Better luck for next season.


    Regards, Hazel