The last few weeks a sparrow appears around 9pm. It’s pitch black outside until my Jack Russells run out putting security lights on. The sparrow sits on a feeding shelf, all huddled up and feathers fluffed out. I have recently put out some crumbs and a couple of sultanas which it eats. It’s here for over an hour then disappears. Is this normal?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Nige Flickr
Hello Sujeet
Are you aware this thread was last responded to almost four years ago, December 2019?
You have certainly made your sparrows, and I presume they're house sparrows, very welcome, and a pleasure to see.
With our 24/7 society, street lighting, security lighting and many other forms of night time lighting, that will also encourage not just sparrows, but many other daytime animals and birds to be active.
Please be aware the these horrible creatures, the house sparrows KILL our native small birds. They are not native to this country, and they kill other birds. I had chickadees nesting, they killed one of the adults. Last year they killed one of our blue bird fledgling babies. Please don't feed them!
We don't generally get chickadees the other side of the Big Pond (thuis being a .UK site).
And remember, the US was invaded by Europeans who deliberately introduced e.g. the house sparrow. Because they missed Blighty :)