Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • To continue the story - On Monday of this week I was at long last fit enough to visit & found this very fit & handsome Kestrel who is almost ready to fledge

    And a couple of short vids (I truly mucked up on his flying from one perch to another - see Bad Pics thread!!)

    You will see from his pics that he has a wet chest - this is because he has taken to bathing in his drinking water bowl - he had done it twice before I got there!!  He now eats two baby chicks a day & sometimes stashes them under his table until he's ready!  He has been introduced to freshly caught mice (not fussed) & earthworms (which he loves) & now have to trap some beetles so he knows what they are.

    The anxious time is nearly upon us - fledging!!!  Tony is constructing a medium height sturdy perch between his cage & the Walnut tree & is also going to erect the scaffold he uses to service the Barn Owl boxes so that George can have plenty of places to sit & peruse the outside world.  Of course, acting as parents, he will continue to be fed for about four weeks after the cage door is opened and, after that, for as long as necessary if he decides not to leave. 

    Will be sad to see him go & hope he makes it in the big world - hoping that maybe he'll get back to the quarry 'cos it seems it's up for grabs as I have not seen any adult Kestrels since a few days after we rescued Baby GK!  

    Will keep you informed about the fledge!

    EDIT:  Another excitement in my life happened while I was at Tony's house - watch for thread entitled 'A Lovely Thing Happened to Me on a Visit to my Kestrel' 


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Isn't he grand!! Lovely pics and videos Wendy, he has grown well and looks very able and ready to fledge, good luck little one, have a happy life.

    Lot to learn

  • S/he's looking fab, hope the release goes well. The 'soft release' technique you describe works really well with raptors from what I've heard. Glad to hear you're feeling better too!

  • wendy what a beautiful bird and thanks for posting the pictures. hope you are feeling well again now

  • Thanks Wendy for such a happy update. Thinking back to when you first rescued him and had no idea if he would survive, your videos are a pure joy to watch. The next step is such a massive step for him to take and I do hope it will be a complete success. not only for him, but also for yourself and Tony.

    Sorry you have been in hospital. Do take care of yourself.

  • Thanks all for your good wishes for me & GeorgeK!

    Breaking news from the neighbour's carer (very interested in birds) just knocked my door & very excitedly showed me that a male Kestrel was perched on the telegraph pole but as I set up cam he got spooked & flew to conifer tree & sat with his back to me!  Took some pics & a vid & watched him 'til he flew off on a hunting mission - will download & post later.  Hope it's the same one & that he will return to claim his territory!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Ooooh we like excitement of this kind WendyB and I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully MrK :-)

  • Wendy, Good luck that this Kestrel male (whether the same one or new!) will stay and find a mate, too!  My fingers, too, are crossed!

    Hope you are feeling better.  Maybe having a squirrel or two will help, since laughter is the best medicine, or so they say!  If Hazy cannot supply them, I will be happy to help--our female squirrel is nursing babies so I am afraid our bird food bill will soon double!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • WendyBartter said:

    Thanks all for your good wishes for me & GeorgeK!

    Breaking news from the neighbour's carer (very interested in birds) just knocked my door & very excitedly showed me that a male Kestrel was perched on the telegraph pole but as I set up cam he got spooked & flew to conifer tree & sat with his back to me!  Took some pics & a vid & watched him 'til he flew off on a hunting mission - will download & post later.  Hope it's the same one & that he will return to claim his territory!!

    After a somewhat lengthy delay here are the pics (not too clear as he just would not turn around!!)

    And a bit of a rocky vid

    Was a very windy day!!  He was there for some time perusing the fields looking for prey & then swooped away - looked like the same old Mr K but, without benefit of rings, I cannot be 100% certain.


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • On 26th August I received the following two pics of Baby GeorgeK from his carer, Tony

    He is just too cute for words!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr