Where have my Goldfinches gone?

I've had a lovely group of about 6-8 Goldfinches in my garden since we moved here nearly 2 years ago, feeding them on niger seeds as well as the general seed we put out. Suddenly, about 10 days ago, they all vanished. This happened overnight, before the snow, leaving a half empty niger seed feeder (which usually gets devoured in 2 days). All our other regular visitors are still here in the same numbers (and some not so regular ones since the snow), but not one goldfinch.

Any ideas?

  • Hi Timbo Dont give up they do move around,the ones you had may have just moved further south or just found somewhere else to feed ,they or others may be back so just have to watch and wait,they also like sunflower hearts,in fact the ones I get tend to go for that before the niger seed,someone nearby may be using that ,just one of natures mysteries ,good luck though.


  • Thanks for that, just thought it was rather strange that they just seemed to up sticks and leave overnight, and not just 1 or 2 but all of them at the same time!