i know hooded crows are exclusive to scotland but i have seen some in holyhead anglesey i saw it in a wilkinsons car park, then more came most times that i have been shopping to holyhead i have seen the hooded crow, as recently as last week i saw a hooded crow just outside amlwch in anglesey, so are these hooded crows here to stay i do hope so, these hooded crows i saw were the genuine article as i have seen hooded crows when i was on holiday in scotland last year i filmed them when i was on holiday. have you seen a hooded crow other than scotland?

  • Hi Jay and welcome thats a great looking tiger its very much like Aikis, but yours has a bit of colour, who drew it, i know Aiki drew her own avatar, it must be nice to have that sort of talent .Alan enjoy

    i say always look on the bright side of life, as you cannot see anything on the other ?

  • thanks for your reply thats a super picture i took a picture of a hooded crow while i was on holiday in the outer hebridies islands one of the pictures i took of a hooded crow was in stornaway the crow was on top of the mast of a fishing boat the other was in some trees near a park also not about hooded crows while i was on holiday i saw a sea egle and while i was on the ferry ready to leave stornaway 2 ravens landed on the walkway of the ferry port i managed to capture that on film an picture of the raven. thanks to all those that have replied.

  • I saw a hooded crow at Penhros Beach, Holyhead on Thursday 24th February, not that far from Wilkinsons car park!! I have seen them in Ireland so felt quite confident that it was a hooded crow. Was very excited to read that they had been seen in Holyhead.

    skyblastomega1 said:

    i know hooded crows are exclusive to scotland but i have seen some in holyhead anglesey i saw it in a wilkinsons car park, then more came most times that i have been shopping to holyhead i have seen the hooded crow, as recently as last week i saw a hooded crow just outside amlwch in anglesey, so are these hooded crows here to stay i do hope so, these hooded crows i saw were the genuine article as i have seen hooded crows when i was on holiday in scotland last year i filmed them when i was on holiday. have you seen a hooded crow other than scotland?

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 26/02/2011 20:18 in reply to annie

    Hi Annie and welcome to the RSPB Forum.  Enjoy yourself here

    Great news that you have seen a hooded crow that is not in Scotland

    From my own experience of the Hooded Crows seen in Inverness, Scotland they can becomes quite humanised with the fish and chip supper wrappers and the likes

    Anyway a bird to add to your list of birds


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi i see hooded crows, (grey crows) as we call them hear, every day,

    they seem to be attracted to flocks of sheep, N.Ireland

  • thanks to those that have responded to my disscusion, when i was in holyhead about a week ago i saw 5 maybe 6 hooded crows another bird that i thoght i would not see in my area is a red kite, i was going for a walk and i was on the beach in cemaesbay and i saw this large bird fly over head and enter a large bush on the headlands, it was definatley a red kite because it had that distinctive tail feathers, days later i was delivering newspapers and i saw that same red kite perched on a lamp post then it swooped into a field took off and headed towards the headlands, anyone else seen a a particular species of bird that you do not see in your local area.

  • My wife and I had a close-up view of a hooded crow yesterday(26 SEpt. 2024) in Westhill, a small town seven miles west of the city of Aberdeen in north east Scotland.  It landed barely 10 feet from our stationary car and sat there staring at us.  I've seen them before but always believed their Scottish presence was in the Western Highlands and one tiny part of the eastern coastal area well north of Aberdeen.  There's no doubt that this was a Hoodie; it was gorgeously marked in clearly defined grey and black.  It was also very large, strong looking and, I think, a young, fit adult.  I wish I'd been able to photograph it.  It simply did not fear us at all and sat there looking imperial and imperious until we drove off quietly.  Our street has several grassy, bushy areas on it, some with significant numbers of trees. In short, there's lots of shelter in which are living a crow and a seagull, both born this year and both unable to fly.  I'm amazed they're still alive, what with foxes, cats etc around here and I doubt they'll survive long.  I'd love to know why the Hoodie appeared here suddenly.  Could one or both of our disabled birds have died and is providing protein for others?  I hope the Hoodies do settle here, just to add interest to the existing extensive and varied Corvid population.