It seems I've even been lax and catching up my catching up threads! After the storms and floods came a day of sunshine, and not wanting to waste a trip due to any unforeseen underfoot conditions, I plumped for my end of the Trailway, where I know it's rolled gravel, and firm, no chance of needing to wade through a quagmire
First up, ever reliable and underrated, Dunnock
First of the many thrushes
I don't think I've done this end of the Trailway since late spring, and to say I was shocked by the sudden emergence of a building site would be an understatement. Where the pigeon is, last year, was a thick tangle of brambles and berry laden trees and shrubs, fully 40 yards long, lining the trailway, where the Redwing and Fieldfare fed. Now, a single line of willow-y whip-like twigs, interspersed with the metal railings.
Hiding amongst the tussocks, Mrs Pheasant
Into the sun slightly, and in the cow pasture, a flock of (I think) meadow pipits bounced about
Mooching about above me for a couple of minutes, a Nuthatch finally moved clear of twigs!
The extent of the flooding.... look beyond the egret to the tall vegetation, across the next water to the lower vegetation, across the next water to where the water is on the left.... that water is the river bend, and everything this side is fields!
A chaffie not enjoying a dip at all!
One of the Robins, actually deigning to grace me with no shadow.... just a twig
Another angle of the floodplain!.... you can't usually see the water in the river because the banks are too high
Flitty flutterer
Look at all the blue sky
It was two robins, vying for superiority of the gate!
A couple of big flocks of Redwing (50-60 birds) came together and started foraging in one of their other regular haunts, so I took a plethora of shots, hoping to get some nicely lit ones as it was still sunshiney... they definitely preferred the shadow though lol
And back to the start, still in blue sky, with probably the same Dunnock
I hope the blue skies and sunshine have brightened everyones day, thanks for reading
Stay Safe All
Cracking set PB, a few bot displaying but love those I can see, a happy new year too you and yours
Ta scozmos, obviously its the goldcrest that didn't display... much like in the real world lol
Edit, reposted the missing ones
Lovely to see blue sky and beautiful birds, even if it was fae yonks ago lol....sleet here today so no outing so far
Thanks for sharing eventually PB ;-)
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Thanks Linda, other photo's all sorted now, get the kettle on, I might post 'em lol
Am just in think a will put ma hand in the kettle tae heat me up
Nice to catch the nuthatch PB. Again lots of variety, I do like the redwings.
Another great batch of photos PB I particularly liked the redwing looks like you had a good day and blue sky as well
Thanks Snappy, I always find them quite difficult to snap, I think it's their colouration with the dirt and bushes, and sunshine all melding in to one
Nice PB, not seen any Redwings this winter yet?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Still time, CL, I didn't seem my first ones last winter until into January