Minsmere's Tall & Small

We managed a half day at Minsmere towards the end of Sept when luckily there were some interesting visitors about. Sadly we missed some of them but did manage to find one which was a first sighting for us. Also I was amazed at the size difference of our key sightings, great fun.

Firstly, formation nibbling....

When we arrived we saw that a Temmincks Stint, Glossy Ibis & Hobbies were about, so we set of around the reserve with Cheese Scones and some hope.

Well surprisingly we arrived at South hide and spotted a tiny wader in the far distance, patiently waiting in moved closer & closer until

After some discussion in the hide it was concluded that this was the Teminncks Stint, so pleased as first ever sighting of one.

Walking back round the path spotted this somewhat larger visitor in the distance.

What a contrast in size from the Stint to this Egret and a great walk as well. Doubly please as all taken on my pocket Panasonic. The cheese scones were good as well sat in East Hide watching Avocets, Ruff, Godwits, Snipe and various ducks and geese.