Is this Robin distressed?


For the past week we have noticed  a Robin jumping up and pecking frantically at our Lounge window to the point our window is covered in marks. Also noticed lots of bird droppings on the window ledge.

At first we thought it might be that he sees his reflection and so keeps attacking the window but I don't think it is that.

He nestles in our hedge and is still roaming our front garden.  I am concerned he is distressed and worried he will harm himself but after over a week he is still here exhibiting the same behaviour. 

I have video and photos if anyone can help?

With thanks.


  • Robins are very territorial and will defend their area fiercely;    I think your first instinct was correct and it is seeing its own reflection in the glass and hence "attacking" the reflection in order to try ward off what it thinks is an interloper.    If you can try cut down the reflection with temporary cover of something like decal/stickers with bird silhouettes or close blinds/curtains temporarily to see if that helps.     


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks. I'll guve it a try. Your comments are much appreciated. 
