Burton Mere Wetlands rspb on a sunny day :)

With few sunny days on offer this year once we spotted the forecast we headed out to rspb Burton Mere Wetlands on the Wirral.     We arrived at 9am and after a quick update from staff we headed to the viewing platform in the hope of spotting a Grasshopper Warbler (one of two heard) who obliged us with its constant "reeling" sound but remained out of sight.     We then headed off around the rest of the reserve;   the Little Egrets seem to have had a very good breeding year as dozens could be seen both in the air and also on the various pools.     At one stage there were 6 in flight along with a Grey Heron and a Common Buzzard. !     

only a distant pic to get all birds in view ..........

There seems to be lots of fledglings around;   Cetti's warblers, Chiffchaffs, Dunnock, etc,    two were sunning themselves on the wooden boardwalk, one of the few days when the sun was out !! 

Cetti's warblers .......... there were three together but only got two in frame as they were all pretty much obscured by twigs 

Dunnock juvenile ....

And very young Chiffchaff, one of two sunning ........ but a little far away for decent pics ...

I think this maybe a Willow Warbler but not ruled out Chiffchaff as its not a great pic 

And a Hoverfly ....

Thanks for viewing the pics


Regards, Hazel