Badbury Rings 01/07/2024

Forecast was for sunny til 9:30 ish, so I decided to take a punt on a couple of hours

One of the juvenile Blackbirds in our garden, in shadow, through the kitchen door 

Arriving at the Rings, they were right about the early sunlight Slight smile

Corn Bunting (I was surprised by how many, only ever seen maximum of 2 here before, but probably 8 today)

And a breakfast delivery service

Trying to get himself in the other thread!

Wasn't until I got home that I realised what this little flock was... there were two additional ones also

Plenty of Skylark song filling the air... guessing this is a juvenile as it's so pale? (there was a 2nd equally pale about 10 yards to it's right)

More usual pose! (And look at that sky Smiley)

Don't know about you, but to me he looks like he's having the time of his life!!

Adjacent to the Rings is the Point-to-Point course, and potentially an NT ploy to garner some extra parking funds... Poppy field.... A couple of years ago there was one about 2 fields over, and the random parking of people trying to view it was an accident waiting to happen, this view was about 50 yards into the rings from the car park.... I think it will soon be spectacular!

Air Ambulance out and about

One of only 2 Robins I saw or got "tsk'd" at by

Not sure on these.... more Skylarks?

My first Whitethroat of the year

And one of about 50 Marbled Whites, almost none of which paused without errant blades of grass in the frame!

A Kestrel decided to hover, unfortunately between me and the sun! Heavily lightened... the sky was still quite blue!

Annoyingly facing the wrong way, and with a branch over her head... guess who!?

Obligingly Miss Linnet hopped changed perch

An unafraid juvenile Blackbird... I wondered at first if it was poorly, but it flew off soon enough, up into a tree

I think there is an ab Ringlet, that doesn't have rings, just spots, but I think it's supposed to have 2 on the forewing too?

Bright Gatekeeper, but it had started clouding over now

A tree-top Dunnock, singing away

I think a Chiffchaff, acting like a flycatcher, fluttering out from the branch then back in again

More Linnet action

Not quite sure why that appears to be rotated!

Mixing it up with the Linnets, several Stonechats, looking stunning


The trick with the Whitethroats, was catching one NOT singing... they were more vocal than the Skylarks!

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of something bigger coming down to the ground, and then as it lifted off again, it was a Kestrel...and he'd caught something he was facing the wrong way in all the flight pictures Rolling eyes

Suddenly lots more squeaking, chattering and general cacophony, and a Red Kite glided overhead.... look at this sky! Disappointed

The Air Ambulance made it's return trip

The Marbled Whites were still about, despite the sun being hidden

A Burnet Moth

I couldn't work out what this was as it flew, but I think now its a Stonechat with a Burnet Moth snackette!

And finally, another pale (young?) Skylark

And so concluded what has become typical of my days off, a couple of hours (maybe) of sunshine, followed by grey and gloom! On the plus wasn't chucking it down or blowing a hooley Smiley

As always ID corrections welcomed

Stay Safe All