Norfolk Holiday Report Day #4; Monday & Tuesday

Norfolk Holiday Report Day #4 Monday

For those who missed Prt3 click the link Point right   Norfolk Holiday Report Day #3 Sunday 

Monday was generally wet, so it was a stay in the dry and no piccies to share….

Norfolk Holiday Report Day #5 Tuesday: Sea Palling & Great Yarmouth

Starting with a sunrise with a light shower, and the sunrise hada different edge to it, through the window during a very light shower

that soon cleared up!

And a rainbow, without the pot of gold at the end….

Looking west over the garden, the clouds had a nice orange glow

Sea Palling (pro Sea Pauling)

The beach at high tide, we initially were going to go seal spotting, but the info we had wasn't quite accurate so ended up a bit further away. Whether we'd have seen many seals, or even any, was questionable due to it being high tide every day, late morning through to mid afternoon. But it wasn't a wasted time, there was lots still to see and more importantly, to tick those boxes as to where I'd been during those childhood hols, Sea Palling sea defences looked very much like the ones I'd seen some 50+  years ago....

The info gleaned was there may be seals, and those on the sands, would be nearing the end of their moult.


Part #5 to follow soon, and there will be some eye charming piccies