Norfolk holiday Pt 2, Day 2; Saturday

The next report from the Norfolk holiday, and for those who missed Norfolk holiday Pt 1, Day 1; Friday, arrival day,

or click below to catch up Point down

 Norfolk holiday Pt 1, Day 1; Friday, arrival day 

Norfolk holiday Pt 2, Day 2 Saturday

Very much a stay local day, and with the views we had, it wouldn't be right not to, so Cromer, and Lifeboat Day, but the weather didn’t really want to play fair for the lifeboat launch.

Starting with a decent sunrise

I think this is a [edited from shag] on the post, ID conf would be appreciated, because it could have been a cormorant.

Corrected to Cormorant, many thanks to "seymouraves" Thumbsup

Looking west along the coast towards East Runton, where I stayed as a child back in the sixties.

There were lots of starlings, and this looks like a discarded starling egg shell

I saw my first Northern Fulmar

Plus many others in the garden, as per photos and list

House Sparrow

Wood Pigeons

"Right lads, line up, nice straight line while we do this search...."

Pied Wagtail

An antisocial Mr Blackbird. TBF, there is a nice picnic area just the other side of that fence, so there may have been a potential food opportunity


Starlings, by the dozen

Fear not, I'll not post a dozen plus photos, well, not on this posting Thinking

and with lunch....


How about some house sparrows, nowt like these to make you feel at home....

More housemartins


This housemartin suddenly turned and went the opposite way, and I wonder if, looking at the head, it's looking back and may have seen potential food and set chace. Whatever, it seemed to turn on a sixpence

A  house sparrow with bedding, drops a feather...

and embarks on retrieving the lost feather...


And finally, to end the day, a pleasant sunset

  • My only gripe is not being able to click on your fab photos and enjoy the detail even that just a tablet thing? 

    Thanks for all the goodies Mike, such a beautiful part of the UK

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • My only gripe is not being able to click on your fab photos and enjoy the detail even that just a tablet thing? 

    Thanks for all the goodies Mike, such a beautiful part of the UK

    I've no idea regarding the click to enlarge. It's a rare opportunity for me to be able to click to enlarge, so I see it as normal 'post software update' issue. Likewise drag and drop (a problem Bob has been enduring since day one) has ceased to work for me, along with selecting previous/older pages.

    BTW, Pt3 is now live.

  • is that just a tablet thing?

    Nope, not sure why but can never enlarge Mike's photos. I just assumed it was heavy cropping or something to do with the image size. I know when I've cropped some of my teeny tiny specks in the distance, they don't enlarge

  • Thanks for the next set of photos. I do like the sunrise and sunset photos, birdie ones a lovely as well. Those caravans look a bit near to the cliff edge, hope it is not one of the places with quick erosion?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Same for me on my tablet Linda, can't enlarge Mike's photos, but can other poster pictures don't know why?

    Edit, I have just remembered (after automatically doing this on his 3rd set), that I can't tap to enlarge Mike's photos, but you can pinch the screen to enlarge Linda.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • My only gripe is not being able to click on your fab photos and enjoy the detail even that just a tablet thing? 

    Thanks for all the goodies Mike, such a beautiful part of the UK

    Linda, PB, Catlady and anyone else

    I think I might have an answer to the issue with enlarging photos, after trying various options to upload and checking the results.

    On the old software by typing 0 or clearing the image size in both boxes, renders the image to a fixed size.

    If I input the pixels, then you can enlarge the image to view.

    One of the two photos should enlarge,albeit marginally due to the heavy file size reduction, the other will not, your feedback will be valuable.

    Photo A

    Photo B

  • Hi Mike

    Photo A does not change  but you can pinch the screen to enlarge.

    Photo B will open another view in a smaller frame but no option to zoom in or out but pinching the screen works on the 1st and 2nd photo

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hey Mike, photo B behaves like everyone else's and is "zoomable"

  • Hi Mike

    Photo A does not change  but you can pinch the screen to enlarge.

    Photo B will open another view in a smaller frame but no option to zoom in or out but pinching the screen works on the 1st and 2nd photo

    CL, Linda, PB and anyone else,

    That was my initial thoughts, and to get a definite answer.

  • Hi-

    It's a Cormorant- white flank patch- and Shags are extremely scarce in Norfolk in summer 

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box