A Grey Day Down Weymouth Way (04/06/2024) Pt2

So, after departing Radipole (Part One Here) I headed over the the Fleet for some Tern action, but first up was a selection of little birds... Dunlin

One of several very "strutty" Wagtails

Ringed Plover

Another Waggie, completely at home in the seaweed

Bar Tailed Godwit (I think)

First of the Little Terns.... it's quite difficult to spot a grey and white bird against a grey and white sky!!


Much easier to spot and snap the gulls!


A recognisable silhouette overhead

Another Wagtail, behaving like he owned the place!

Ringed Plover

There were some Skylarks about, but not as many as my last visit there

And the Linnets were still there, but even redder! (Total guess that they were the same ones!!)

A mixed flock of mainly Dunlin and Sanderlings, but I was wondering if there were a Knot or two amongst them?

First Tern sequence... missed the swoop Rolling eyes

It's still easier photographing gulls!

Dunlin are a challenge, but at least they tend to stay at the same elevation unless they're landing

And Oystercatchers the same, mostly....even with a beak full

Lovely plumage.... Dunno why they can't look the same though Disappointed

And not like other species!

Definitely fewer Wheatears this visit... just a couple I noticed.... still handsome though!

And a few more Linnets to end the morning with, as it started to rain

And to top it all off, on 5th June, Little Tern, Oystercatcher and Ringed Plover chicks were all seen in the shingle Smile

Thanks for reading/viewing, hope you enjoyed. I just wish there was blue sky.... still... gives a reason to go back!

Stay Safe All