Mostly Wild Slimbridge in April

I can't believe it's over a month since Mrs PB and I ventured to Slimbridge... it's true what they say, as you get older the time just vanishes!

Anyhow, enough middle aged doom and gloom, I've kept this trip to mostly the wild birds.

Straight outside the entrance... fluffy-wuffy loveliness

And less fluffy-wuffy

And not even slightly fluffy-wuffy!

And.... back to fluffy-wuffy

Hissy fit

Old red-eye

Preparing for the next generation

The bill always looks waxy to me!

Not sure if it's luvvin or fightin!

Could be in a different thread!

The elusive Mrs Blackcap

Definite hint of "autumn sunset" there!

The sunlight started getting a bit harsh... Mr Chaffinch

Green Veined White

A Robin, "giving it some" is the technical term I believe

Mr Blackcap... almost as elusive as his missus!!

Female Orange Tip... finally settled!

Little Egret (in the aviary, so not strictly speaking wild

And the Flamingo wasn't wild..... it was livid (thank you to Not The Nine o' Clock News there!)

Holly Blue, almost tempting me to fall in the lake as I followed it!

One of the breeding Cranes, unfortunately from a poor position in the hide

Green Veined White

Chiffchaff I think


One of the other breeding Cranes



Despite being teeny-weeny, it still has HUGE feet!

Thanks for looking :o)